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Overhead layout, Flatlays, Maverick, Candles, Polaroids, Instax Fuji Film, Nails, Bohemian Chic, Polette, Clear Frame, Office Vibes, Los Angeles Blogger, Blogging, Healthy Lifestyle, Eye Protection, Translucent Frames, E-Polette, Fashion Blogger, Silverlake


We all know the situation. Mom reassures you ‘Hunny, it’s not meant to be fashionable, it’s meant to be safe.’ Hailing from Upstate New York, this situation would arise every winter when it came time to break out the good ol’ snow boots. We get a hell of a winter; sounds like a nightmare right? Which part; the ugly protective gear you had to sport regardless of your defiant efforts to refuse or the unbearable winters?

(I’ll let you decide)

Time went on and I resolved the latter issue by moving to Los Angeles…thank gawd. I’ve also since discovered plenty of dope brands that nail it when it comes to functional fashion. One of my favorites thus far being the eyewear brand, Polette, which I reviewed earlier in the year here.


|| SCREEN G E N E R A T I O N ||

Millennials aka the Screen Generation spend an estimated 8 hours per day looking at a screen and check their phones at least 150 times daily. Can you imagine staring at a tree for 8 hours? That feels like an eternity. (Perhaps one day I’ll master the art of stillness and achieve this task, entering ultra-yogi status). To us, 8 hours scrolling and typing away daily is far from difficult for us. It’s all a matter of perspective and I suppose majorly dependent on the action at hand.

So why does this concern us? Well for starters, our circadian rhythm’s are all out of wack. Millennial or not, we’re all surrounded by stimulation, however we have a choice as to how much we engage with it. Some of us partake in high screen time while others choose to limit their exposure. Regardless, it’s important to be well-informed so I want to share with you the harmful effects and how to protect yourself.


I began to notice my inability to fall asleep naturally was becoming more and more difficult. I came to realize the overstimulation created by the blue rays emitted from LED screens (such as my laptop or cell phone) were the culprit. Nothing could truly tear apart a ‘late night Nexflix-er’ more than this new found knowledge. Feeling slightly helpless, Polette came to the rescue and offered up a solution.

Understanding the current landscape and their consumer, Polette opened the floodgates with their new innovative technology to offer protection from these high-energy rays. The result?  E-POLETTE, a line specifically designed to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of high-energy blue lights.

|| S A F E T Y  101 ||

Since day one, our sleep cycles revolved around the sun. When the sun goes down and it becomes dark, we produce melatonin, helping us to fall asleep. When we energize the eyes with artificial light, we disrupt the production and screw up the natural process. Even more damaging, the blue lights from LED-lights have also been connected to damaged retina’s. Stated by Polette, “by frequently using this technology we jeopardize our eyes’ health.”

The E-POLETTE collection is designed to filter out 40% of the blue light. It accomplishes this by using a light-yellow filter. When watching any LED screen, these glasses will ensure your body continues producing melatonin, your day-night rhythm is on point and your retinas are fully protected. For the fashion-forward-techi-conscious, this collection’s a winning choice!

Shop the full line here.



Caffe Vita


Polette E-Brooklyn Trans

Kate Spade

|| P H O T O G R A P H Y ||

Nat Sin 

Morgan Ryan

The Author

Transform the Mess into the Message


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