Lady Luck

She’s up all night ’til the sun | We’re up all night to get lucky.
-Daft Punk 

As Spring semester began to wind down the temperature started to warm up. Purple floral trees adorned the sidewalks of Orange, CA. A distinct honeysuckle fragrance filled the air on campus at Chapman University, as the frenzy of finals week foreshadowed the chaos to come – our annual tradition, Undie Run.

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Loud music pounds off the walls to greet the bantering and chatter of pre-Undie Run excitement. Warmth fills the air and turns the heat up a notch in the swarmed house, which is packed wall to wall with enough body heat to melt an Igloo. This easily kept the scantily clad, underwear outfitted students warm while they additionally partook in other such activities that induce a blanket of warmth to defend against the brisk air awaiting them outside. I smiled to myself as I walked through the animal house, as it was in no position to contend to the zoo in my mind. I couldn’t gather a notion to engage in anything but the mental hysteria in my mind; a combination of memorizing my movement backwards, body placement, and not to mention the art of mastering convincing facial expressions with style and ease . The cast and crew remained focused with our eyes on the prize in the midst of the liveliness. We had one shot. We needed Luck.

11:45 pm 

Hit and the house filed out and emptied like horses to the brooke. The extreme difference in atmosphere marked the beginning of our excitement and allowed time for a run through of the one continuous shot. We had 15 minutes to fine tune any details or possible mishaps we might encounter (such as a run in with the cops).

12:00 am 

A stampede of students rush the streets of Old Towne Orange, cue music.

[We’ve come too far to give up who we are. So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars]

After posting the video, we woke to a reality which seemed to be more characteristic of a dream. Just hours after posting the video it went viral and landed us on the front page of Reddit. In the past week, we have reached over 360,000 views and have gained online and media recognition within Southern California. Peep it.

The OC Register: August 20, 2013 

Huffington Post

KCAl 9

The Waves hit LA: August 21, 2013 


College Blogs/Sites:

Mysterious Long-Legged Babe


The Nose Bleeds


Like the legend of the phoenix | All ends with beginnings.
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