All posts tagged: fashion

S U R R E A L ( I T Y ) | PART II

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Short Story
Pattern, Studio, Design, Fashion, Photography, Style,

Head over to SURREALITY || Part I for a recap on how Mitch and I met __________ (Past Reflection) The day began with an overcast dreariness that kept me in bed an extra hour. My conscious and subconscious minds intertwine as I replay the final moments of last night’s dream. I watch myself fearlessly walk through a dark space that I now recognize to be a haunted house. Suddenly reality kicks in and all traces of fear […]

|| B A M B I N A || Makeup Monday

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Vsco, Portrait, Beauty, Twiggy, Honne, Lashes, Fashion, Editorial

      || “Maybe I’ll get you out of my head. Maybe I’ll forget all the things you said. Lies on your lips, but there’s love in your eyes” || – ALINA BARAZ, Maybe | MAV BEAUTY TIP | The Doe-Eye | large, gentle, dark eyes _________ To achieve a subdued version of the doe-eye for everyday wear, you’ll need a few essentials: 1). White liner 2) A Taupe or Neutral Eye Shadow 3) Mascara Highlight […]

S U R R E A L ( I T Y ) || PART I

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Leather, Fashion, Minimal, Style, Surreal, Beauty,

“Poker is a fascinating, wonderful, intricate adventure on the high seas of human nature.” – David A. Daniel The notion of one man’s trash as another’s treasure is far from unusual to me. I mean, let’s be honest, you can’t share the same name with Captain Morgan and not have some of the same qualities. In a debate, he and I would probably not see eye to eye on our idea of ‘treasure.’ We would agree […]

|| R E S T L E S S ||

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Beauty, Cinema, Fashion, Editorial, Classic, Photography, Freckles

R E S T L E S S  By Morgan Ryan I have a beautiful confusion between reality and illusion when it comes to you and my restless mind The gaps of silence I fill with doubt because speaking your truth you can do without But what is the point of these moments of connection if they fall to be forgotten without second mention?  ● ◎ ● || PHOTOGRAPHY || Evan Woods || BEAUTY || […]


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Creativity / Empowerment
Beauty, Swim, Active, American Apparel, Los Angeles, Fashion, Art, Artisan, Soul, Iconic

“True creativity does not come easily; creativity is born of risk and refined from failure.” -Erwin McManus, The Artisan Soul Let us not be confused, creativity is not a gift given to the rare few. Rather, it is a rare few who take the risk to be creative. It’s as if we’ve been playing a game of telephone and during our correspondence our words became misinterpreted. You see, we are all born creators. So why do […]


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Beauty, Bow, Vintage, Denim, America, Nostalgia,

“Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” –Buddha The Greeks refer to nostalgia as the pain from an old wound. This makes complete sense as I catch myself reminiscing over old photos. Instead of my usual happiness, I emotionally ache. To me, photography and nostalgia seem to go hand and hand. Like nostalgia’s accomplice, photography has the ability to trigger powerful emotions by capturing the fleeting moments in which we long to return. This could certainly feel heightened […]

I N D E P E N D E N C E DAY || 07.04.15 ||

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Hair Flip, Beauty, Fashion, Style Icon,

“The world you inhabit is a reflection of your internal state. If you want to see external change, work from the inside out.” -Dali Lama             During my senior year of college I took a course on Happiness. I recently decided to re-visit one of the books from the class and in doing so retrieved some valuable information. These excerpts impacted me more today than ever before as I could […]

S T O N E || W A S H E D

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Palm Tree, Desert, Vintage, Rustic

“We are all given the power to create the story we wish to tell. It’s up to you how you tell it. If you live your life as a reflection of this story, authenticity will shine as your actions align with your words.” -M.R. All of us in some way or another have tried to live up to the expectations of others. We’ve all had that one teacher who never gives us the grade we think we deserve. […]

|| BREAKING F A C A D E S || 6.7.15 ||

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I’d rather be honest and authentic and disappoint some people than to exhaust myself trying to keep up the façade of perfection. – Crystal Paine | MAV MANTRA | I have a right to speak my truth This week, all the signs pointed to this notion of authenticity. This reminder to always remain true to who you are is not a value new to me; rather it resides at the top of my list. However, having it tested simultaneously in […]

|| B R O K E N VANITY || THE LASH || 5.29.15 ||

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“It’s not about where you are but rather the company you keep that determines your experience. However, it doesn’t hurt if the place you’re headed is cool to begin with.” -M.R.  A slight chill filled the springtime air as we arrived at Austin’s pad. Ornate glasses lined the shelves of his mini bar, displaying a decorative array of alcoholic beverages. Tonight, we went for the Gin. We casually catch up, enjoying ourselves as we meticulously sip our grapefruit x gin […]