All posts tagged: studio shoots

I AM ________.

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beauty / fashion / self improvement / Uncategorized
cute, ham, cutesy, model, bts, behind-the-scenes, photo shoot, Bloomingdales, shopping, layering clothes, winky face, back to school, fashion blogger, updo, auburn hair, unique styles, i am, strong, spirituality, hair and spirituality, hair tutorial, redhead, pigtails, space buns, paul mitchell, pm insiders, quirky style, cute hair, hairstyle ideas, hairstyles, hair influencer, beauty influencer, la fashion bloggers, white shirt, studio shoot, natural makeup, fashion and style, maverick, muse,

I AM….whatever I say I am. 2017 is the year of self-definition…or perhaps un-definition. I realized that as much as words supply meaning they also confine. In the purest form, we must create ourselves, our own opinions and then voice them. Sometimes that’s a matter of standing tall in our truth, letting it be known who we are without uttering a word. However, when we do decide to speak, let us speak kindness and love. Let us […]